Moving Forward with Tony Degliomini
30+years leading high-performing sales and operational teams. Proven skill sets in the areas of leadership, team building, and mentoring/coaching with an emphasis on emotional intelligence. My core values and beliefs of family, faith, love, empathy, compassion, integrity, accountability, commitment, and trust drive me personally and professionally.
My passion is assisting others in working through and achieving professional and personal goals, while discovering “WHO” they are…when you start exploring this question, you may realize many responses exist within. Sometimes we need some assistance in listening to those inner voices. Many individuals become focused on chasing things that do not align with their core values and beliefs. In fact, many have not recognized that they have been drawn off course until something very drastic changes such as a traumatic event. The traumatic event shakes our core and forces us to reexamine “who” we really are…
I had a life changing event in 2015, which left me temporarily paralyzed and a Spinal Cord Injury survivor (Quad Incomplete C1-C4) and advocate. This event has left me with a profound perspective on life and work.
My calling and promise is to inspire and motivate others to aspire to "Believe" in themselves in reaching their personal and/or career ambitions and goals.
Believe in yourself...
Elevate your approach...
Live with passion...
Intuition is powerful...
Enlightenment is all around...
Vitality is a state of mind...
Everyday is a Blessing.
My personal journey has led me through an awakening to embracing “WHO I AM”, my growth has had a profound effect on healing me physically, psychologically, and spiritually. My attention is spent living in the present moment, while understanding we all need to plan and have goals, we must all never lose the attention of what is happening in the moment, because the moment is momentary…
Please check out my new PodCast with
One Idea Away below...
Sit back and enjoy~Thank you!
#Believe book now available!
If you’ve found your way to Believe Like Me, it’s probably because you, like me, have experienced some hard times in your life. Maybe you’ve lived through a life changing injury or illness; the death of someone close to you; or a period of high stress, anxiety, or debilitating depression. If you’ve ever needed to #BELIEVE when believing seems impossible, this book is meant for you.
#Believe documents my emotional and inspiring story of learning to walk again after a suffering a serious spinal cord injury. The journey back is physical, mental, and spiritual in nature.
Everyone has a story of their own. Some are more traumatic than others, but the larger truth is that everyone has faced hardship. None of us is alone in this. When faced with the darkest of times, how will you take the opportunity learn, grow, and change - to #Believe? This is my story.
Transforming into my authentic self... like many others who have had a life changing event! In May 2015, I was involved in a charity bicycle ride accident which left me temporarily paralyzed. This event lead me to the creation of this page and the story that has become a fabric of my life. It is a story of Family, Love, and Faith.
I want to share my experiences in order to assist others to get through these difficult times in our lives. We each possess I unique ability to fight back through these challenges; however the journey is not always easy nor on OUR terms.
Many of us seemingly go it alone through these journeys and don't realize we have company...the journey could be short or seem like a life time in terms of duration.
However, the good news is that you need not go through this journey alone nor will your fight be alone. Remember we are all connected by this journey called LIFE and each share a unique gift.
utilizing Positive Psychology
Support That Makes a Difference
Positive Psychology: Work Shop
Exploring your VIA Character Strengths...
The work shop will help you identify your core Character Strengths and how they show up in your relationships with family, friends, and co-workers.
"The study of strengths started in the early 2000s, when scientists gathered to study character more scientifically. A total of 55 distinguished scientists joined the study over several years.
The result was the VIA Classification of Character Strengths and Virtues (Peterson & Seligman, 2004), a classification of positive traits in human beings. Since then, hundreds of peer-reviewed articles have been published across many cultures.
Once the VIA Classification was complete, a ground-breaking personal strengths test, the VIA Survey, was designed specifically to measure these 24 character strengths in individuals. Since then, over 11 million surveys have been taken around the world and VIA continues to fuel the advancements of character strengths science through research, personalized reports, books and more."
"BELIEVE: A story of determination, faith, and triumph"
Have you ever felt joy, happiness, accomplishment, sadness, failure, defeat, and triumph about an experience in your life? Tony Degliomini will take us on such a journey as he recounts the battle of his life facing recovery from spinal cord injury. His story will inspire you and his life lessons are universal for those facing what seems insurmountable - whether personal or in your career, you will walk away with the inspiration to face your challenges and BELIEVE.