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I am not sure why it happened when it did; but everything that Tony has shown me over the past couple years has finally dawned on me.  I have recently undergone a transformation with the helpful realization spurred the conversations I have shared with him.  I remember expressing mostly stress, aggravation, and overall unhappiness in our early chats.  Looking back on this I now can see how much time & energy I had put into being this way.  After taking a few steps back, slowing down, and most importantly relaxing.  It has taken focus on myself and positivism to finally become aware of my outward self.  Both self awareness and mindfulness have been keys to my change – both things Tony has been explaining to me for some time. 

Now that I have embodied these simple principles I can focus on the important thing in life – myself & my family.




“Perhaps there is no greater gift than context. In a world of quantity and complexity Tony’s self-awareness and passion break the mold of the typical with an eye to the magnificent. His fearlessness in asking the tough questions, his compassion, genuine curiosity and earnest empathy set the tone for productive and insightful coaching conversations.  He has a gift for contextualizing the trivial, and is strategic to the point of visionary in the deconstruction of personal barriers. I truly believe that anyone, of any experience or education, would benefit greatly from Tony’s wise words. His impact on my life and perspective have been profound in a way that goes beyond inspiration and settles comfortably and happily into peace and understanding.”

“I worked with Tony for quite a while before asking him to be my mentor through our company, so we were pretty familiar with each other and were able to really jump into what I wanted to work on with my life.  I had a bunch of thoughts flying around in my head, but after a few meetings with Tony and working through a few exercises that helped me focus on exactly what I was and wasn’t happy with in my life I knew what areas I had to improve on to change my overall mental state.  Tony’s enthusiasm was contagious and knowing the challenges he had to overcome was inspiring!  When a couple job opportunities were opening up, both were appealing to me but after I talked through both of them with Tony it was clear which one was the better fit for me both personally and professionally.  I went for it and ended up getting it!  If Tony didn’t help me think through the position I don’t think I would have been as well prepared for the interview.  Thank you for everything!”

“Tony is so incredibly encouraging, supportive, and helps you to feel empowered to find your own voice and passion in business and in life."


"Tony is a plethora of inspiration. He is the epitome of positive thinking and leads by example showing his mentees ways to become more self-aware and to love life immensely no matter what it may throw their way. I am beyond grateful to know this man, and for him to be my life coach? Speechless and eternally humbled. Thank you Tony for being the amazing, lovely, loving human being that you are. You are needed so much in this world. People like you make living the joy that it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being you."


"Over the last year I have had the privilege to have many discussions with Tony regarding many valuable topics from my career to just life. Tony has been an excellent mentor and friend. He really takes listening to the next level and hears you out, which is sometimes what I have needed.  Tony never tells you what you want to hear but what you need to hear at the moment with the most uplifting words of encouragement to let you think through the situation. As a mentor, I have always felt the genuineness and care but more importantly his ability to help me find my way through some career challenges.  I have and continue to enjoy our talks, while looking forward to the appreciated words that have driven positive action."


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